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Jul 21, 2017 1:35:03 PM
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Dr. Thomas Scott is currently the Director of eLearning at North Idaho College. Progressive educational technologist with an emphasis in program development, educational leadership, technology mediated education, professional development, online distance education, assessment, and student learning outcomes. My focus in higher education is on the integration of technology to increase equity and access to quality education while maintaining institutional culture and identity.

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it is cumbersome to edit the the rubric and not be able to move the fields around.  Instead new criteria are added to the bottom of the Rubric.  This makes editing the rubric really complicated. 
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Our instructors would like to  disable the calendar for their classes. The argument is that is that it is their class and pedagogically they should be provided the option.  In Blackboard they were abl...
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Most Recent Posts

it is cumbersome to edit the the rubric and not be able to move the fields around.  Instead new criteria are added to the bottom of the Rubric.  This makes editing the rubric really complicated. 
Nov 24, 2020 12:39:49 PM
Our instructors would like to  disable the calendar for their classes. The argument is that is that it is their class and pedagogically they should be provided the option.  In Blackboard they were abl...
Nov 24, 2020 12:38:08 PM

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