
Nicole Montgomery
Community Explorer
Dec 5, 2015 4:08:37 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Susan--not sure if you're responding to me or Maria, but I always use "import," not "copy," for sure. The problem is that our quarterly timelines change enough each quarter, I may ...
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Omg, if those scripts work, I will dance up and down in joy! And yes, it's crazy that this many people want this feature--need this feature, with hundreds of courses--and don't have it! 
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I second this--I have a lot of international students and it would be nice to not butcher their names. 
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Yes, please, please fix this! I actively discourage students from using Back/Next because it can take them out of one module into another and they won't realize it!
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Yes, yes please on this! I have to discourage students from using Back/Next and actively show them why--because they might jump to a new module and not know they've done it (the breadcrumb shows p...
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Most Recent Posts

Susan--not sure if you're responding to me or Maria, but I always use "import," not "copy," for sure. The problem is that our quarterly timelines change enough each quarter, I may ...
Apr 14, 2021 11:24 AM
Omg, if those scripts work, I will dance up and down in joy! And yes, it's crazy that this many people want this feature--need this feature, with hundreds of courses--and don't have it! 
Apr 12, 2021 13:58 PM
I second this--I have a lot of international students and it would be nice to not butcher their names. 
Apr 12, 2021 13:52 PM
Yes, please, please fix this! I actively discourage students from using Back/Next because it can take them out of one module into another and they won't realize it!
Apr 12, 2021 13:51 PM
Yes, yes please on this! I have to discourage students from using Back/Next and actively show them why--because they might jump to a new module and not know they've done it (the breadcrumb shows p...
Apr 12, 2021 13:50 PM

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