
Steve Faith
Community Participant
Instructional Technologist
Dec 10, 2015 11:00:40 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Currently, with the new Gradebook, there is the Final Grade Override option.  For all columns, other than Final Grade Override in Grades that receive a score (Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions), there...
Likes: 114
I wonder if Instructure has any staff that are in touch with the companies or developer communities for the various web browsers.  When I worked for Apple, we had a developer program where we would no...
Likes: 8
I can certainly understand and appreciate the garden/gardening analogy, as it is certainly appropriate for software development and evolution, as well as many other things in life. I certainly would n...
Likes: 7
Howdy @SamGarza1 , I think all these very recent updates and bug fixes are very positive things and a welcome sign that there is active development happening with a core tool, especially with usef...
Likes: 6
Matt, please go back and re-read your first paragraph above.  You are implying that admins, instructional designers, and course coordinators do not care about "modifying user behavior" and tha...
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Most Recent Posts

Howdy @SamGarza1 , I think all these very recent updates and bug fixes are very positive things and a welcome sign that there is active development happening with a core tool, especially with usef...
Jul 08, 2024 12:55 PM
I believe that this can be accomplished using the Settings -> Participation within a course shell.  Change from Term to Course and adjust the start end dates/times.  When done with the blackout per...
Dec 07, 2021 16:43 PM
I can certainly understand and appreciate the garden/gardening analogy, as it is certainly appropriate for software development and evolution, as well as many other things in life. I certainly would n...
Jul 20, 2021 12:32 PM
@jsailor I would like to, along with many of my colleagues, offer my appreciation in your group's decision to place the Ungraded as Zero feature behind a flag.  This option will allow all of u...
Feb 22, 2021 09:43 AM
Forgive my cynicism here, but when I hear, "...the feedback that we receive from various outlets, including the many conversations that we have with the educators using Canvas on a daily basis....
Feb 08, 2021 11:36 AM

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