Community Member
Feb 14, 2021 9:41:26 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Currently an export from Gradebook does not differentiate between non-submissions and unmarked submissions for an assignment - both display as a blank. I suggest something in the file to indicate wher...
Problem statement:
When manually assigning a peer review, there is currently there is no indication in the drop-down list of students to show who is already assigned or who has completed the initial a...
I would appreciate this ability to check student names without opening the edit function and potentially affecting settings.
At my uni, I regularly set up groups per class (i.e. sections) for tutors to communicate and share files with their students. For the first few weeks of session there is always movement between classe...
I am an instructor for univeristy level subjects. A feature like this would be helpful for us in order to restrict individuals from accessing an main exam if they apply for rescheduled exams in case o...
Most Recent Posts
Problem statement:
When manually assigning a peer review, there is currently there is no indication in the drop-down list of students to show who is already assigned or who has completed the initial a...
I would appreciate this ability to check student names without opening the edit function and potentially affecting settings.
At my uni, I regularly set up groups per class (i.e. sections) for tutors to communicate and share files with their students. For the first few weeks of session there is always movement between classe...
I am an instructor for univeristy level subjects. A feature like this would be helpful for us in order to restrict individuals from accessing an main exam if they apply for rescheduled exams in case o...
I would like to see the option to 'Find rubric' added to the actual Rubrics page. As I undertsand it, you can only find a previously used rubric when attaching directly to an assignment. I wou...
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