
Community Member
Feb 15, 2021 11:08:26 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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This is so useful. I use dark mode in the dashboard so the cards are an even darker background and I could not see the 3 dots (ellipsis). Changing the color fixed that!
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I want to see the most recent at the top of the email notification,
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How can this syncing from canvas to my google calendar show a strikethrough as it shows on the canvas calendar. Can that be an added suggestion/improvement?
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How about a temp workaround? Y You could use an asterisk for mandatory fields to be filled out. OR you could use (optional) after Canonical URL (optional) SEO Tilte (optional) SEO Description (optiona...
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this form is awful (idea) Canonical ?? who the heck created this form? SEO title??? SEO description?
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Most Recent Posts

This is so useful. I use dark mode in the dashboard so the cards are an even darker background and I could not see the 3 dots (ellipsis). Changing the color fixed that!
Sep 08, 2021 12:17 PM
I want to see the most recent at the top of the email notification,
Feb 27, 2021 12:35 PM
How can this syncing from canvas to my google calendar show a strikethrough as it shows on the canvas calendar. Can that be an added suggestion/improvement?
Feb 16, 2021 18:03 PM
How about a temp workaround? Y You could use an asterisk for mandatory fields to be filled out. OR you could use (optional) after Canonical URL (optional) SEO Tilte (optional) SEO Description (optiona...
Feb 16, 2021 12:59 PM
this form is awful (idea) Canonical ?? who the heck created this form? SEO title??? SEO description?
Feb 16, 2021 12:51 PM

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