
Kathy Webb
Community Member
Mar 2, 2021 7:58:24 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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The final quizzes.next quiz in our courses are feedback from the students - three questions with likert scale and one essay question. We review the feedback regularly to improve the courses. We need t...
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How are multiple course designers and teachers able to build a robust assessment in a course together?  The Item Bank created by one can't be accessed or added to. Crazy. In the age of collaborati...
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Yes, at the very least admins need access to Item Banks! The point to using Item Banks is to make assessments more robust. Making the Bank belong to a single teacher prevents collaboration!
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Most Recent Posts

The final quizzes.next quiz in our courses are feedback from the students - three questions with likert scale and one essay question. We review the feedback regularly to improve the courses. We need t...
Jun 04, 2021 17:22 PM
How are multiple course designers and teachers able to build a robust assessment in a course together?  The Item Bank created by one can't be accessed or added to. Crazy. In the age of collaborati...
Mar 02, 2021 09:08 AM
Yes, at the very least admins need access to Item Banks! The point to using Item Banks is to make assessments more robust. Making the Bank belong to a single teacher prevents collaboration!
Mar 02, 2021 09:01 AM

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