
Douglas Hanna
Community Member
Mar 3, 2021 7:52:30 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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For Performance Based Education this feature would be extremely valuable!  Example:  Assignments allowing 2 attempts at first only before having to meet with an instructor prior to a released 3rd atte...
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As an ID I have a teacher that would like to do want she did in Moodle:  Have the option to create a question that allows multiple tries with the same question.  Example:  Student answers a Fill in th...
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Hi all, I've searched, but maybe not good enough so thought I'd just ask: Has anyone developed procedures on using Respondus 4.0 to export quiz banks from Moodle into Canvas? I've found th...
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Most Recent Posts

For Performance Based Education this feature would be extremely valuable!  Example:  Assignments allowing 2 attempts at first only before having to meet with an instructor prior to a released 3rd atte...
Sep 20, 2022 11:42 AM
As an ID I have a teacher that would like to do want she did in Moodle:  Have the option to create a question that allows multiple tries with the same question.  Example:  Student answers a Fill in th...
Apr 30, 2021 13:55 PM
Hi all, I've searched, but maybe not good enough so thought I'd just ask: Has anyone developed procedures on using Respondus 4.0 to export quiz banks from Moodle into Canvas? I've found th...
Mar 19, 2021 08:05 AM

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