
Todd Petersen
Community Novice
Sep 2, 2015 12:45:28 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

Students often misunderstand what Canvas is telling them about discussions. When I set up assignments to have the first post be the post date (because of limitations of the current system) they think ...
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I want to add my encouragement, and suggest deeper implementation. I would love, as mentioned to share announcements, messages, images, files, and even wiki pages to courses by selecting from active c...
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Oh yes. My wife and I, who both teach using Canvas, read this feature request and said, "Yes, yes" with such delight that we were both a little embarrassed about it. This would really change t...
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I'm working as the teacher of record with a number of TAs, but under the current notification structure, I get the notifications first, and communication with students, and I need to be able to se...
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This is absolutely critical. I am teaching a course with 800+ students. I simply can't guess where they might fall in the alphabetical page order. The name filter works so great in other conte...
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Most Recent Posts

Students often misunderstand what Canvas is telling them about discussions. When I set up assignments to have the first post be the post date (because of limitations of the current system) they think ...
Sep 10, 2018 14:52 PM
I'm working as the teacher of record with a number of TAs, but under the current notification structure, I get the notifications first, and communication with students, and I need to be able to se...
Dec 07, 2015 11:52 AM
I want to add my encouragement, and suggest deeper implementation. I would love, as mentioned to share announcements, messages, images, files, and even wiki pages to courses by selecting from active c...
Dec 04, 2015 17:00 PM
Oh yes. My wife and I, who both teach using Canvas, read this feature request and said, "Yes, yes" with such delight that we were both a little embarrassed about it. This would really change t...
Oct 28, 2015 22:47 PM
This is absolutely critical. I am teaching a course with 800+ students. I simply can't guess where they might fall in the alphabetical page order. The name filter works so great in other conte...
Oct 28, 2015 22:38 PM

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