
Murad Uddin Murad
Community Member
Mar 18, 2021 6:32:27 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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@Chris_Hofer All vocational qualifications have an assessment template where students need to write their response in the space provided after each question. Currently we provide the assessment te...
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@Chris_Hofer Thank you so much for your reply. The process you explained serve our purpose partially. We want exactly the following things: 1. An instructor will create an assignment that will be ...
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Dear Altruists Currently, I am working as an LMS coordinator with a vocational institute. Our trainers asked for a facility to allow students to write their assignment in an Editable PDF opened within...
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Dear Altruists I am working as an LMS coordinator with a Vocational Institute. On Canvas we have set the students enrolment into Canvas in such a way that instead of enrolling our students into a qual...
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@Chris_Hofer All vocational qualifications have an assessment template where students need to write their response in the space provided after each question. Currently we provide the assessment te...
Mar 20, 2021 13:19 PM
@Chris_Hofer Thank you so much for your reply. The process you explained serve our purpose partially. We want exactly the following things: 1. An instructor will create an assignment that will be ...
Mar 20, 2021 03:46 AM
Dear Altruists Currently, I am working as an LMS coordinator with a vocational institute. Our trainers asked for a facility to allow students to write their assignment in an Editable PDF opened within...
Mar 18, 2021 20:39 PM
Dear Altruists I am working as an LMS coordinator with a Vocational Institute. On Canvas we have set the students enrolment into Canvas in such a way that instead of enrolling our students into a qual...
Mar 18, 2021 20:33 PM

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