Community Contributor
Dec 17, 2015 2:36:50 PM
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My name is Sarah Phinney. I've been involved in the adult and higher education education sectors for a combined 23 years. Twenty years ago, we were delivering distance education by means of loaned VHS cassette tapes, booklets, and one-on-one meetings with students to review their work. How far we have come since then! I've taught and helped manage courses on seven different learning management systems. The journey and those we help educate on the journey is what keeps me motivated.
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I'm fairly new to Canvas, and like others I've struggled with keeping things straight in my mind regarding how the various controls of course dates, term dates, and publish settings affect stu...
Thank you for continuing to improve this feature, and for the detailed explanation of the iconography changes. This definitely does seem more intuitive to me.I'd like to suggest that you include a...
There are some excellent suggestions in this discussion! Here are my 2-cents...Don't leave assignments ungraded, if the student missed the assignment and the intent is to penalize students for ass...
In many instances I think a page with tabs can be quite useful, so thank you for this information. However, I would like to suggest that course designers carefully consider the application and the use...
As we're getting ready for a new semester here, this particular "don't" reared it's ugly head. Although, it is not a Canvas specific issue, it can nonetheless affect a Canvas cours...
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Oh, I see you're thinking there, @mzimmerman . In this case, none of the external sites required login or had any kind of pass through from Canvas. They were just ordinary Websites that were r...
Thanks for that @mzimmerman . I don't see how that applies to external links, though. External links will be "reachable" or not regardless of my role in Canvas. For example, a link to ...
@mzimmerman Thanks for sharing your thoughts. As I said, I have no authority on this subject, and was just throwing out one idea. I may be totally off base, but I find it odd that it would report ...
I have been seeing this happen more and more over the years of using Canvas Link Validator, that it shows external links to be unreachable when they are not. I just ran link validation in one course a...
Subaccount admins have administrator access within their sub-account and any sub-accounts under their sub-account. But you are correct, that a sub-account admin will not have administrator access to t...
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