
Lisa M. Lane
Community Novice
Apr 13, 2016 2:28:07 PM
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Teaching online since 1998.

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Thanks for doing this, Robert. It's more elegant than the others I've used, which require you to upload an HTML document into Canvas.
Likes: 2
This is indeed a problem.The activity stream shows when I add a quiz, even if it is weeks away. It shows all my discussions, even though all but the current one are in modules that are locked until a ...
Likes: 1
I've revived a form of this at " style="color: #2989c5; , for voting starting Nov 2.
Likes: 0
I don't use folders to group quiz bank questions by type, but rather by source: textbook questions, alternate textbook questions, lecture questions, wiki questions. This would be SO helpful!
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It does seem useless to me to go to all the trouble to create a rubric, but they need to click again to see the comments. That rubric text is my grade, the rubric text. The number is not the point for...
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Most Recent Posts

Thanks for doing this, Robert. It's more elegant than the others I've used, which require you to upload an HTML document into Canvas.
Jan 12, 2017 12:13 PM
I've revived a form of this at " style="color: #2989c5; , for voting starting Nov 2.
Oct 13, 2016 20:22 PM
This is indeed a problem.The activity stream shows when I add a quiz, even if it is weeks away. It shows all my discussions, even though all but the current one are in modules that are locked until a ...
Oct 10, 2016 13:27 PM
I don't use folders to group quiz bank questions by type, but rather by source: textbook questions, alternate textbook questions, lecture questions, wiki questions. This would be SO helpful!
Sep 08, 2016 23:54 PM
Also interested. Also cannot private message (I think because you are not following me).
Sep 08, 2016 16:41 PM

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