Trina Altman
Community Participant
Senior Core IT Services Specialist
Mar 25, 2021 8:17:54 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Totally agree with @lezonl2. We had evaluated this feature a while back and decided not to enable it due to some issues we encountered with it. I understand there's been a lot of work on it si...
@TamasBalogh can you PLEASE provide a page asap that details specifics and timing (e.g., what is the time frame of impact - when was the RCE disabled) and that is updated as things change? Or add...
Like some (many?) other schools, we are now preparing to enable the Discussion Redesign tool by default in May in advance of the start of our summer term. We don't have any other option if we want...
@SamGarza1 (cc @mloble)
Thank you for the update on the Checkpoints rollout. If the Checkpoints timeline slips again, it could put it near or after the July 20th enforced rollout of the Redesi...
@hesspe Thanks for your additional perspective and info in your reply to @kailey's very thoughtful post. I have been lobbying Instructure since the Fall to postpone the enforcement date, a...
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@carlycurran Just to chime in on this as well, yes there should be something on the tool overall indicating how old the data could be so it is visible no matter which tab they are looking at. Othe...
@AllisonHowell (or whoever from Instructure is now assigned to this),
We anxiously await your update to this post. It seems there have been behavior changes since the 11/12 go live. Please see the...
@leward Thanks so much for all the details. This was different than what our technician saw when she previously tested, so I asked her to test again in case things had changed (unannounced by Ins...
Thanks @leward. I asked our CSM about the removal of the feature flag. It is apparently hidden but retained the state of the feature flag as set by the institution.
My understanding (again from ou...
Thanks for the update, @ZoeLubitz1 . When this is released to production systems in early 2025, what will the default release state be? Specifically which of these Feature Option states will be th...
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