
Emily Egerton
Community Member
Mar 30, 2021 9:57:07 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

This would be a very helpful way to track learner engagement.
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True blended learning should not support students and instructors, not make extra work for them. This is a brilliant suggestion and an easy way to accommodate students not only in the K-12 setting but...
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Loree's ability to display content in a way that uses color and metaphors to chunk relevant and important content will serve to set Canvas apart from every other LMS. Developers, please do what yo...
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I agree with @kylecage0 . Why make a rubric, that students will access to see how their work will be evaluated if you're not going to use it for grading. 
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Before teaching in higher ed, I had always thought the value of discussion forums lied in their potential to promote higher-order thinking and had never thought of it as a potential vehicle for plagia...
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Most Recent Posts

This would be a very helpful way to track learner engagement.
Jan 07, 2022 14:08 PM
True blended learning should not support students and instructors, not make extra work for them. This is a brilliant suggestion and an easy way to accommodate students not only in the K-12 setting but...
Jan 07, 2022 14:00 PM
Loree's ability to display content in a way that uses color and metaphors to chunk relevant and important content will serve to set Canvas apart from every other LMS. Developers, please do what yo...
Jan 07, 2022 13:53 PM
I agree with @kylecage0 . Why make a rubric, that students will access to see how their work will be evaluated if you're not going to use it for grading. 
Sep 21, 2021 13:29 PM
Before teaching in higher ed, I had always thought the value of discussion forums lied in their potential to promote higher-order thinking and had never thought of it as a potential vehicle for plagia...
Apr 15, 2021 14:51 PM

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