
Briana Johnson
Community Novice
Sep 3, 2015 7:17:03 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Can you please provide a working link for understanding what it means for an idea to be on the "product radar"? The links provided in the old feature request are not working.
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I agree, Marshall. This is a basic feature which many of systems allow and support.
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The link provide to understand what it means for product radar is broken. It goes to a whoops page.
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Can you please provide a working link for understanding what it means for an idea to be on the "product radar"? The links provided in the old feature request are not working.
Apr 11, 2017 14:35 PM
I agree, Marshall. This is a basic feature which many of systems allow and support.
Apr 11, 2017 14:32 PM
The link provide to understand what it means for product radar is broken. It goes to a whoops page.
Apr 11, 2017 14:31 PM

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