
Mounir Youssef
Community Member
Apr 15, 2021 2:13:55 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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This call is giving me an error, not the final grades, how did you get the final grades?
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@James  I've been having kind of the same issue, im trying to get a list of all of my students' scores but it returns a 2d array of titles and "undefined", I've been through mo...
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Im trying to get a list of all my students' scores on a particular quiz like I do with the assignment submissions, but I can get the return for the quizzes. /api/v1/courses/$$$$/quizzes/$$$$/submi...
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Most Recent Posts

This call is giving me an error, not the final grades, how did you get the final grades?
Apr 15, 2021 2:54:10 AM
@James  I've been having kind of the same issue, im trying to get a list of all of my students' scores but it returns a 2d array of titles and "undefined", I've been through mo...
Apr 15, 2021 2:23:12 AM
Im trying to get a list of all my students' scores on a particular quiz like I do with the assignment submissions, but I can get the return for the quizzes. /api/v1/courses/$$$$/quizzes/$$$$/submi...
Apr 15, 2021 2:20:59 AM

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