
Allan Trautman
Community Explorer
Dec 26, 2015 9:35:37 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I would find it helpful to see the Read/Unread status of discussions posts from within SpeedGrader. My discussions take place over the course of a few days, and I grade cumulatively during each of tho...
Likes: 9
I've gotten good results (as mentioned above) by downloading an export of the course, renaming the file extension to ".zip," opening the zip file and then just searching the resulting fold...
Likes: 3
Thanks for the reply, Toni356. The issue described in the post you linked to is not, unfortunately, the same as mine. I appreciate the context, though, and read through all of the comments on that pos...
Likes: 0
Hi, Thanks for your reply. To answer your questions: This is not an LTI developed for Canvas. It is a generic embed code generated on the Padlet website for use on any web page. I have seen this probl...
Likes: 0
Hi All! I have created a Shelf-type Padlet on the Padlet site. It seems to work fine. But if I embed it into a Canvas page, it seems to work only up until the point where the page reloads. Once that h...
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Most Recent Posts

Thanks for the reply, Toni356. The issue described in the post you linked to is not, unfortunately, the same as mine. I appreciate the context, though, and read through all of the comments on that pos...
Apr 23, 2022 13:05 PM
Hi, Thanks for your reply. To answer your questions: This is not an LTI developed for Canvas. It is a generic embed code generated on the Padlet website for use on any web page. I have seen this probl...
Apr 22, 2022 16:09 PM
Hi All! I have created a Shelf-type Padlet on the Padlet site. It seems to work fine. But if I embed it into a Canvas page, it seems to work only up until the point where the page reloads. Once that h...
Apr 13, 2022 15:56 PM
I would find it helpful to see the Read/Unread status of discussions posts from within SpeedGrader. My discussions take place over the course of a few days, and I grade cumulatively during each of tho...
Mar 30, 2018 13:15 PM
For me, this all boils down to one of two design changes. EitherPlace entire threads in SpeedGrader—or at least give us the ability to respond to a post from within SpeedGrader, orCreate the ability t...
Mar 30, 2018 13:05 PM

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