
Mr. Maughan
Community Explorer
e-Learning Teacher
Mar 1, 2017 11:40:03 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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This 100%   The way I want to use it, there is very little use in the ability to bank a stimulus if the "children" questions don't match it / move with it.  
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Problem statement: When I click the "Save" button in New Quizzes I am booted to the modules summary page. A normal save button does not kick you out - it keep you on the page you are already o...
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Problem statement: I set feedback to release after the due date - however, I am unable to do this in New Quizzes. Manually going in after a due date passes is not logical for me and will only serve t...
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How do I recommend for development a change to the save button in new quizzes?  Having a save button do ANYTHING other than return you to your CURRENT page is frustrating.  (not to mention I have neve...
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According to this article, https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-restrict-students-from-viewing-quiz-results-in-New/ta-p/1047, you cannot 'time' (future date) a release ...
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Most Recent Posts

This 100%   The way I want to use it, there is very little use in the ability to bank a stimulus if the "children" questions don't match it / move with it.  
Oct 01, 2024 19:19 PM
Problem statement: When I click the "Save" button in New Quizzes I am booted to the modules summary page. A normal save button does not kick you out - it keep you on the page you are already o...
Oct 21, 2023 21:28 PM
Problem statement: I set feedback to release after the due date - however, I am unable to do this in New Quizzes. Manually going in after a due date passes is not logical for me and will only serve t...
Oct 21, 2023 21:22 PM
How do I recommend for development a change to the save button in new quizzes?  Having a save button do ANYTHING other than return you to your CURRENT page is frustrating.  (not to mention I have neve...
Oct 14, 2023 13:50 PM
According to this article, https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-restrict-students-from-viewing-quiz-results-in-New/ta-p/1047, you cannot 'time' (future date) a release ...
Oct 14, 2023 13:15 PM

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