
Mark McPartland
Community Member
May 5, 2021 12:15:44 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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As a Student User I do find this very annoying as well.  Hey, its not the end of the world to scroll down, however its just adds to a growing list of similar little annoyances in the UI/UX that really...
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I'm a (new) Student and see that my Grades page simply lists all the activities and associated grade.It would be very beneficial to be able to group grades, for example by Module.Currently it can ...
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I'm a (new) Student and see that my Grades page simply lists all the activities and associated grade.It would be very beneficial to be able to group grades, for example by Module.Currently it can ...
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Most Recent Posts

As a Student User I do find this very annoying as well.  Hey, its not the end of the world to scroll down, however its just adds to a growing list of similar little annoyances in the UI/UX that really...
Jun 25, 2021 02:16 AM
I'm a (new) Student and see that my Grades page simply lists all the activities and associated grade.It would be very beneficial to be able to group grades, for example by Module.Currently it can ...
May 13, 2021 12:52 PM
I'm a (new) Student and see that my Grades page simply lists all the activities and associated grade.It would be very beneficial to be able to group grades, for example by Module.Currently it can ...
May 13, 2021 00:06 AM

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