
Deborah Kleiner
Community Member
May 20, 2021 7:31:24 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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As an instructor,  I find the curve option on Canvas confusing and difficult to use. The curve option allows only percentage curves, but does not provide for a point curve.If one wants to do a point c...
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As an instructor, I found a problem with the way Canvas calculated the average of class exams. I often build in a curve into my exam, so that the highest grade possible is above 100, e.g., 105. Noneth...
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Thanks Steven for your advice. Actually, the workaround I used was to export the entire grade book to Excel and used that program to calculate grades. The point is that users should not have to evolve...
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As an instructor, I found a problem with the way Canvas calculated the average of class exams. I often build in a curve into my exam, so that the highest grade possible is above 100, e.g., 105. Noneth...
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Most Recent Posts

As an instructor,  I find the curve option on Canvas confusing and difficult to use. The curve option allows only percentage curves, but does not provide for a point curve.If one wants to do a point c...
May 20, 2021 11:10 AM
As an instructor, I found a problem with the way Canvas calculated the average of class exams. I often build in a curve into my exam, so that the highest grade possible is above 100, e.g., 105. Noneth...
May 20, 2021 10:50 AM
Thanks Steven for your advice. Actually, the workaround I used was to export the entire grade book to Excel and used that program to calculate grades. The point is that users should not have to evolve...
May 20, 2021 10:45 AM
As an instructor, I found a problem with the way Canvas calculated the average of class exams. I often build in a curve into my exam, so that the highest grade possible is above 100, e.g., 105. Noneth...
May 20, 2021 08:59 AM

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