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Jun 16, 2021 6:38:22 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Regarding the Assignments: Assign To Interface Update feature, I agree very much @audra_agnelly that the the Assign To block is crucial enough to warrant placement on the assignment settings page ...
Amen, and hear hear! I would also add that the Sakai feature to send the announcement email as a high-priority email (thus overriding a student's email preferences) became very valuable when weath...
This is a great step forward! The additional listing and screen reminders will help students with their next steps.However, we really need enable a two due date format for peer reviews in order for th...
One concern in the timing issue is that, while we can probably say that someone spent just 30 seconds on that question screen, we can't really determine where they got their answer from or what th...
@marthazumack that's a great question. We also have many faculty who would like to review TA grades in an assignment or test before they make their way into the gradebook.
The best way to acc...
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Problem statement:
There are two ways to change an assignment's points value in the Canvas interface as a teacher.
A) From the Assignment Index, click on the title of the assignment, click Edit, a...
Hi @CanvasLMSQueen - thank you for these great new tips! Regarding the Module template idea...the gif moves so fast, I'm not sure what you're trying to show me. How do I create a module te...
Regarding the Assignments: Assign To Interface Update feature, I agree very much @audra_agnelly that the the Assign To block is crucial enough to warrant placement on the assignment settings page ...
Problem statement:
Students often rely on the All Courses listing in Canvas to confirm that their enrollment is up-to-date, or as an easy place to see the courses they've completed. Since all of t...
@marthazumack that's a great question. We also have many faculty who would like to review TA grades in an assignment or test before they make their way into the gradebook.
The best way to acc...
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