
Michael Dufresne
Community Member
Professor, LAS National Faculty
Jun 26, 2021 7:09:53 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

The Rubrics tab shows only those rubrics already used in the course section. They can be edited or deleted only, which impacts the assignments for which they were already used. There is no option to a...
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As @rhayes stated, finding the rubrics in the entire history of courses with the same name is hard (they aren't searchable or clearly identifiable). Having to "modify" a rubric to use ...
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Visualize the ubiquitous on-campus bulletin boards covered with layers of fliers and ads and other potentially useful stuff that few actually stop to examine for relevant nuggets. The Canvas discussio...
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If I complete a rubric and add comments below and then use the right arrow at the top to navigate to the next student, I DO receive a green alert that the comment was saved as a draft. This does not a...
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If I complete a rubric and add comments below and then use the right arrow at the top to navigate to the next student, I DO receive a green alert that the comment was saved as a draft. This does not a...
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Most Recent Posts

The Rubrics tab shows only those rubrics already used in the course section. They can be edited or deleted only, which impacts the assignments for which they were already used. There is no option to a...
Dec 01, 2021 09:43 AM
As @rhayes stated, finding the rubrics in the entire history of courses with the same name is hard (they aren't searchable or clearly identifiable). Having to "modify" a rubric to use ...
Dec 01, 2021 09:25 AM
Visualize the ubiquitous on-campus bulletin boards covered with layers of fliers and ads and other potentially useful stuff that few actually stop to examine for relevant nuggets. The Canvas discussio...
Sep 21, 2021 09:13 AM
If I complete a rubric and add comments below and then use the right arrow at the top to navigate to the next student, I DO receive a green alert that the comment was saved as a draft. This does not a...
Jun 26, 2021 08:30 AM
If I complete a rubric and add comments below and then use the right arrow at the top to navigate to the next student, I DO receive a green alert that the comment was saved as a draft. This does not a...
Jun 26, 2021 08:27 AM

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