
Clifford Jolley
Community Member
Jun 29, 2021 2:35:26 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Thank you so much! You've talked a lot about the Lato font. I thought the Calibri font was very versatile and used everywhere. And now I know about its irrelevance in the Canvas.
Likes: 1
Wow, sounds very interesting! I am doing design for fonts. It would be interesting to work with a digital quiz font family.
Likes: 0
Thanks for sharing how to change the font. Can you share some other font style advice? What is the best font to use for regular text in Canvas?
Likes: 0
Hello! I'm new to Canvas, so I have similar questions. Besides the changes in the font size, tell me, is it possible to upload my own fonts? I'm learning how to design it because I need to cre...
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Most Recent Posts

Wow, sounds very interesting! I am doing design for fonts. It would be interesting to work with a digital quiz font family.
Jun 29, 2021 16:05 PM
Thanks for sharing how to change the font. Can you share some other font style advice? What is the best font to use for regular text in Canvas?
Jun 29, 2021 16:02 PM
Thank you so much! You've talked a lot about the Lato font. I thought the Calibri font was very versatile and used everywhere. And now I know about its irrelevance in the Canvas.
Jun 29, 2021 16:00 PM
Hello! I'm new to Canvas, so I have similar questions. Besides the changes in the font size, tell me, is it possible to upload my own fonts? I'm learning how to design it because I need to cre...
Jun 29, 2021 15:56 PM

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