
Jamie Stalker
Community Novice
Apr 29, 2016 5:36:18 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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We also have a course home page template and I am excited to see what others are doing.  Here is our template:
Likes: 13
You should be able to pull an embed code of the 365 document.  While in your OneDrive, open the document in a browser.  Click the three horizontal dots in the top right.  Click on <embed>.  This...
Likes: 4
We actually made the page first.  Then I took a snip of it and pasted it into Word.  I then added the instructional arrows.We wanted our students to have a familiar feel when they swapped from class t...
Likes: 3
I had success with creating a template and having students modify their version.  1)  Make sure you have the Excel file in your OneDrive.2)  Create an assignment.  Choose the submission type "Exte...
Likes: 3
Canvas recently release an Office 365 (Canvas Release: Microsoft Office 365 LTI ) and a Google Docs (Canvas Release: Google Apps LTI ) integrations that would make something like this easier.  Then th...
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Most Recent Posts

We actually made the page first.  Then I took a snip of it and pasted it into Word.  I then added the instructional arrows.We wanted our students to have a familiar feel when they swapped from class t...
Feb 13, 2017 05:49 AM
We also have a course home page template and I am excited to see what others are doing.  Here is our template:
Feb 08, 2017 12:58 PM
I found this that may help: https://community.canvaslms.com/groups/designers/blog/2015/04/28/embedding-onedrive-documents-in-canvas 
Feb 03, 2017 13:26 PM
You should be able to pull an embed code of the 365 document.  While in your OneDrive, open the document in a browser.  Click the three horizontal dots in the top right.  Click on <embed>.  This...
Jan 27, 2017 09:50 AM
I had success with creating a template and having students modify their version.  1)  Make sure you have the Excel file in your OneDrive.2)  Create an assignment.  Choose the submission type "Exte...
Jan 27, 2017 07:59 AM

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