Michael Bohl Jenner
Community Novice
Apr 29, 2016 6:25:08 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I'm new to Canvas, but it seems there is no way to update an existing file in a course. Is my finding correct? That means that if I have included the existing file in a page and maybe other places...
I find myself hand drawing checkmarks (yes) and no symbols (e.g %) over and over again. It would be much easier to use the speedgrader / crocodoc system if it was possible to add these symbols by a si...
I fully agree with the idea of enabling copying without running it through Commons first. I'm new to this, but it would seem Commons would be very polluted if every copy in Canvas would have to go...
I'm aware that Crocodoc is third party, but Instructure has chosen to use Crocodoc, so in my opinion Instructure isn't off the hook on this issue. And if Canvas / Instructure wants to be "...
It seems it actually keeps the references e.g. in pages - as long as the file keeps the original name. However, what if user wants to give files version numbers (could be usefull in many situations) -...
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To quote Mr James Jones: "I have concerns over whether you would be able to just create new text fields and put in there, but that you'd have to invoke the button to add a new row before pasti...
Today, adding criteria in rubrics is a cumbersome process requiring a huge amount of mouse-clicks. This wouldn't be a bad thing if rubrics had some built in flexibility but they don't. By exam...
What about a script roughly looking like this?waitForKeyElements('.rubric_container.rubric.editing', attachImportRubrics); function attachImportRubrics() { // rough idea, non-working code belo...
I was referring to your Javascript skills ;o) I have searched for the system you mention above, but without luck. Could you please point me to their site / code? Kind regards,Michael
@James This is cool, thanks for sharing! Would it be difficult to add a feature "copy current criteria to bottom"? I find myself spending a lot of time, changing the number of columns f...
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