
Julie Sheldon
Community Explorer
Aug 28, 2021 6:56:14 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

It would be really helpful if I could see who has read an announcement. I usually use announcements for important items and I would like to know if students have seen these in a way that is quick and ...
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I want to echo the many comments here about how important this feature would be. My students sometimes email me if the system is down, or if I do projects that I want to take a photo of and put into C...
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As a teacher, we regularly take notes in the Notability App and then wish to post those notes to the Canvas page for our students. While we can share these notes as a pdf to other apps, the Canvas tea...
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I agree wholeheartedly that this is important and it's been available in other systems I've used so the teachers in my school would really like to see it. 
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I agree. This would be great. For example, if a student hands things in repeatedly just a few minutes late or doesn't follow directions or asks for extensions, I would love to comment on that but ...
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Most Recent Posts

It would be really helpful if I could see who has read an announcement. I usually use announcements for important items and I would like to know if students have seen these in a way that is quick and ...
Apr 07, 2022 11:11 AM
I want to echo the many comments here about how important this feature would be. My students sometimes email me if the system is down, or if I do projects that I want to take a photo of and put into C...
Jan 25, 2022 17:35 PM
As a teacher, we regularly take notes in the Notability App and then wish to post those notes to the Canvas page for our students. While we can share these notes as a pdf to other apps, the Canvas tea...
Dec 05, 2021 11:32 AM
I agree wholeheartedly that this is important and it's been available in other systems I've used so the teachers in my school would really like to see it. 
Oct 04, 2021 14:45 PM
I agree. This would be great. For example, if a student hands things in repeatedly just a few minutes late or doesn't follow directions or asks for extensions, I would love to comment on that but ...
Sep 26, 2021 10:55 AM

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