
Christina Zaccagnino
Community Member
Aug 31, 2021 3:52:47 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Here is the image for the first bullet point, a graph of students' progress in outcomes:
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As users of standards-based grading, we would like to be able to do the following in New Analytics: See a graph (and data table) of students' progress toward mastery of outcomes (individually and ...
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We need this back!
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This feature allows the teacher to hide outcomes not graded from the teacher gradebook view, but not from the student view. It would be great to have the option to hide outcomes not graded from studen...
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The current columns in the student outcomes report are "attempts" "latest score" and "percentage". These columns do not give us a sense of the students' mastery in the outc...
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Most Recent Posts

Here is the image for the first bullet point, a graph of students' progress in outcomes:
Mar 17, 2022 11:25 AM
As users of standards-based grading, we would like to be able to do the following in New Analytics: See a graph (and data table) of students' progress toward mastery of outcomes (individually and ...
Mar 17, 2022 11:22 AM
We need this back!
Mar 17, 2022 11:10 AM
This feature allows the teacher to hide outcomes not graded from the teacher gradebook view, but not from the student view. It would be great to have the option to hide outcomes not graded from studen...
Jan 04, 2022 15:31 PM
The current columns in the student outcomes report are "attempts" "latest score" and "percentage". These columns do not give us a sense of the students' mastery in the outc...
Dec 08, 2021 15:36 PM

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