
Phillip Hanney
Community Novice
Aug 8, 2017 10:30:17 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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John,That is a great work around for exporting of the data (which is exactly what this post is mostly about). You are always coming up with great ways to use Excel to solve problems (which is awesome!...
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I am finding the same problem, but with a different reason. When my students create their accounts and place their name in the "Full Name" box Canvas automatically will look for the last space...
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Most Recent Posts

John,That is a great work around for exporting of the data (which is exactly what this post is mostly about). You are always coming up with great ways to use Excel to solve problems (which is awesome!...
Nov 16, 2017 2:14:18 PM
I am finding the same problem, but with a different reason. When my students create their accounts and place their name in the "Full Name" box Canvas automatically will look for the last space...
Nov 14, 2017 6:33:21 AM

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