
Christopher Seanard
Community Member
Sep 20, 2021 3:58:31 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Agree with @BethBerthold 100% "It has become very annoying to start grading from the to do list when a new window opens up every time. Then if you go back to the original window it still has a...
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Agree with Pat.  "am sure there was a reason for this change but it has certainly made my life more difficult.  Is it possible to turn this feature off.  I have 4 sections so when I grade if a new...
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With the most recent update forcing Speedgrader to open in a new tab when clicking on assignments to grade in the To-Do list I am finding that it severely impacts my productivity and workflow; especia...
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Most Recent Posts

Agree with @BethBerthold 100% "It has become very annoying to start grading from the to do list when a new window opens up every time. Then if you go back to the original window it still has a...
Oct 06, 2021 07:26 AM
Agree with Pat.  "am sure there was a reason for this change but it has certainly made my life more difficult.  Is it possible to turn this feature off.  I have 4 sections so when I grade if a new...
Sep 28, 2021 08:01 AM
With the most recent update forcing Speedgrader to open in a new tab when clicking on assignments to grade in the To-Do list I am finding that it severely impacts my productivity and workflow; especia...
Sep 20, 2021 16:58 PM

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