Edward Pershwitz
Community Member
Sep 22, 2021 8:12:08 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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@chriscas @Chris_Hofer Thank you for your replies. I asked them to self-organize and set a due date. Anyone not in a group after the due date gets assigned randomly (by me). Auto-assignment su...
Sadly, Canvas doesn't fail to disappoint. My "stale" announcements just went out today, a week after the course end date. It also let me delete one that still remained delayed unt...
Hi and thank you for the suggestion. This may work, but it's cumbersome. I have three separate shells each semester, so I'd need three sandboxes just to keep copies of them, in addition to any...
Canvas currently does not support disabling announcements without deleting them. If I don't want to send an announcement but I want to still keep it so I can copy it over to the next semester, the...
I have created groups for a course that has three cross-listed sections. I need to assign students to these groups, but make sure students in a group are in the same section. Is there a way for me to ...
Most Recent Posts
Sadly, Canvas doesn't fail to disappoint. My "stale" announcements just went out today, a week after the course end date. It also let me delete one that still remained delayed unt...
Hi and thank you for the suggestion. This may work, but it's cumbersome. I have three separate shells each semester, so I'd need three sandboxes just to keep copies of them, in addition to any...
Canvas currently does not support disabling announcements without deleting them. If I don't want to send an announcement but I want to still keep it so I can copy it over to the next semester, the...
@chriscas @Chris_Hofer Thank you for your replies. I asked them to self-organize and set a due date. Anyone not in a group after the due date gets assigned randomly (by me). Auto-assignment su...
I have created groups for a course that has three cross-listed sections. I need to assign students to these groups, but make sure students in a group are in the same section. Is there a way for me to ...
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