
James Sanzin
Community Champion
May 2, 2016 1:35:49 PM
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I am an instructor and Canvas Admin at LBSD. I teach Anatomy and Physiology, Astronomy, Graphic Design, and Geographic Information Systems.

Most Liked Posts

I recently took over  as Canvas Admin. Good news is that more teachers are starting to jump onboard with Canvas. The bad news is that I am getting bombed with a lot of students who are not in Canvas. ...
Likes: 7
Thanks for the help. It looks like 92 students did not have email addresses in PowerSchool. I believe this could be the culprit.  I appreciate any and all suggestions offered. You have all been super ...
Likes: 6
Canva sounds almost like it was meant to work with Canvas lol
Likes: 4
This is the first time I have seen this. The student was taking the quiz while not under my direct observation and their score was higher than normal.  Does this mean anything?
Likes: 3
This is our current view.I would like to see details of the assignment such as:Group assignmentGroups usedPost to SISCurrently we have to click edit to see this information. 
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Most Recent Posts

My students are still getting this bug. How do I clear assignments with no submission from the overdue list?
Feb 09, 2018 08:07 AM
Canva sounds almost like it was meant to work with Canvas lol
Jan 16, 2018 10:34 AM
I would love a full integration, but also check out https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/10121-export-roster-to-google-classroom to see if this will help in the meantime. 
Nov 15, 2017 11:19 AM
I initially though this was unnecessary, but that has changed. I am finding many platforms, such as EDpuzzle and Quizizz that enable students to log in with Google Classroom.  The also allow you to ma...
Nov 07, 2017 09:54 AM

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