
Dan Hammari
Software Engineer
Oct 1, 2021 9:49:08 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Could you explain the format I should use when putting redirect URIs into the provided text area? Should these be one per line, or should I separate them using commas?
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I believe the option you are looking for is to become a partner where you may have access to a sandbox for developing your apps to integrate with Canvas. Here is a link to the Canvas partnership detai...
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I am running into this same issue with custom parameters duplicated in the URL query string as well as in the HTTP POST parameters. When Canvas generates the OAuth1 signature it does not double-up on ...
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I, also, would like to know if there is a special configuration I need to implement in order for the custom parameters from my thin common cartridge to be appended to the LTI 1.3/Advantage launch requ...
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Studies Weekly LinksAboutSecurityPrivacyIntegration Instructions   Links Website: https://www.studiesweekly.com Documentation: https://www.studiesweekly.com/tutorials/ Support: https://www.studies...
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I believe the option you are looking for is to become a partner where you may have access to a sandbox for developing your apps to integrate with Canvas. Here is a link to the Canvas partnership detai...
Jul 23, 2022 16:46 PM
I am running into this same issue with custom parameters duplicated in the URL query string as well as in the HTTP POST parameters. When Canvas generates the OAuth1 signature it does not double-up on ...
Jul 06, 2022 23:31 PM
I, also, would like to know if there is a special configuration I need to implement in order for the custom parameters from my thin common cartridge to be appended to the LTI 1.3/Advantage launch requ...
Apr 01, 2022 14:03 PM
Could you explain the format I should use when putting redirect URIs into the provided text area? Should these be one per line, or should I separate them using commas?
Mar 30, 2022 15:43 PM
Studies Weekly LinksAboutSecurityPrivacyIntegration Instructions   Links Website: https://www.studiesweekly.com Documentation: https://www.studiesweekly.com/tutorials/ Support: https://www.studies...
Oct 06, 2021 17:11 PM

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