
Community Contributor
May 3, 2016 6:36:51 AM
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Higher Ed educational technology manager. Mom to two amazing kids. Musician. Things I enjoy include reading, creating, and laughing.

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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas I would like teachers to be able to see what Blueprint Course is associated with their course.Currently, only Canvas administrators can view the as...
Likes: 56
I’ll be a SoloPanda this year! I’m returning to InstructureCon after a year off, and I will be traveling alone. I love people and I’m a lot of fun, so help me not hide in my room during the big events...
Likes: 8
Thank you for watching it!! I expect our students will be encouraging faculty to use Canvas more (and in better ways, too).
Likes: 6
Thank you for the intel to add to our dossiers  @kona ‌. Really looking forward to the theme this year!
Likes: 5

Most Recent Posts

I have a similar question – it seems to me that there is no way to "clear" the score, but you can change the value to 0 as a reminder to go back and update.
Jan 18, 2021 07:28 AM
SpoilerI am having the same issue! All of the links we use are broken. Rough timing with the start of the school year coming soon!I am having the same issue! All of the links we use are broken. Rough ...
Aug 15, 2020 19:49 PM
Great and thoughtful application of student-led design for your home page. In the higher ed world, This is my favorite insight: “They felt that the left-hand course navigation was there and that it wa...
Sep 07, 2019 08:31 AM
Thank you for continuing to be open about your amazing story! Looking forward to saying "hi" next week!
Jul 05, 2019 10:59 AM
I’ll be a SoloPanda this year! I’m returning to InstructureCon after a year off, and I will be traveling alone. I love people and I’m a lot of fun, so help me not hide in my room during the big events...
Jun 26, 2019 19:59 PM

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