
Greg Putman
Community Participant
Sr. Physics Academic Lab Manager
Oct 27, 2021 6:08:56 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I could have sworn that I'd posted on this thread - I think there are multiple threads/versions of this conversation going on.  This is a very important issue for me, too.  As others mentioned abo...
Likes: 10
Hi,In a typical semester I have between 750 - 800 students in a total of up to 20 sections of 5 different courses.  I appreciate the workarounds mentioned in this thread.  It looks like in my situatio...
Likes: 8
On any Canvas course, click on the "settings" link from the course menu, then on the "Course Details" tab, at very bottom of the page click "more options" and the the last chec...
Likes: 7
Dear Canvas, Copied this comment that a student left for me yesterday. "I was previously unaware that I was still able to attach files on Canvas after the deadline had ended, I initially sent an e...
Likes: 3
New bad experience with comments on assignments:  I'm having TAs arguing with each other about grading in assignment comment sections (in front of students for all intents and purposes) because th...
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Most Recent Posts

I'm finding that no action was taken, correct?
May 13, 2024 16:58 PM
Dear Canvas, Copied this comment that a student left for me yesterday. "I was previously unaware that I was still able to attach files on Canvas after the deadline had ended, I initially sent an e...
Oct 18, 2023 09:57 AM
On any Canvas course, click on the "settings" link from the course menu, then on the "Course Details" tab, at very bottom of the page click "more options" and the the last chec...
Jul 14, 2023 09:10 AM
I got a message telling me that I can't unpublish past courses where students have graded submissions when I hover my mouse pointer over the "Course is published" message with check mark n...
Apr 28, 2023 11:17 AM
I often have students repeat courses if they fail or for higher grades.  I'm the lab guy and the lab activities don't change a whole lot from semester to semester.  It is really frustrating to...
Apr 28, 2023 11:14 AM

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