Elisa Barney Smith
Community Explorer
Nov 10, 2021 4:29:22 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I have a surface Pro. I think you are wrong that this is solved for that device.
Our university just switched from BlackBoard to Canvas. It took BlackBoard too long to give stylus support, but they fi...
"does not work consistently" - what an understatement!
I have a Surface Pro. Technically you can annotate with a stylus, but in reality it shows Canvas has miserable technology. Our university...
I have a Surface Pro. Technically you can but in reality it shows Canvas has miserable technology. Our university just switched from BlackBoard to Canvas. It took BlackBoard too long to give stylus su...
I have a Surface Pro. That doesn't work.
Our university just switched from BlackBoard to Canvas. It took BlackBoard too long to give stylus support, but they finally had it. Now I'm back to pr...
Yes please. I don't know why this wasn't in the initial instantiation of Canvas. It is also relevant as when you add an item to a module, it goes in the bottom, and I often want new items at t...
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Yes please. I don't know why this wasn't in the initial instantiation of Canvas. It is also relevant as when you add an item to a module, it goes in the bottom, and I often want new items at t...
I think your problem is that these comments all become one large comment unless you click the checkbox after every few words. Then it has many stroke points in its buffer, and that is what you are obs...
I have a Surface Pro. Technically you can annotate with a stylus, but in reality it shows Canvas has miserable technology. Our university just switched from BlackBoard to Canvas. It took BlackBoard to...
"does not work consistently" - what an understatement!
I have a Surface Pro. Technically you can annotate with a stylus, but in reality it shows Canvas has miserable technology. Our university...
I have a Surface Pro. Technically you can annotate with a stylus, but in reality it shows Canvas has miserable technology. Our university just switched from BlackBoard to Canvas. It took BlackBoard to...
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