
Holly Kidson
Community Novice
Aug 12, 2016 8:40:01 AM
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We're just getting our feet wet with Canvas right now... but I'm so excited about the possibilities!

Most Liked Posts

This would be awesome for our foreign language teachers... but also music teachers!  I don't know much about AP testing, but I do know that part of several of the tests involves student audio reco...
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We NEED this, sooner than later.  While instructors can cross-list courses to combine multiple similar sections, that isn't always the preferred option.  In cases where I am managing several secti...
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We are struggling with this now... We just discovered Quizzes.Next and we're in the process of helping our content area teams develop their interim assessments using this tool.  However, we (of co...
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I've only just started developing course content in Canvas and I already see how helpful this would be!  My "Pages" section is a mess!  I supposed it depends on how you choose to structure...
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As our district gets closer to using Canvas (and Commons) with a wider audience of instructors and learners, this feature seems so important!  We've chatted about a few ways to work around the pro...
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Most Recent Posts

We are struggling with this now... We just discovered Quizzes.Next and we're in the process of helping our content area teams develop their interim assessments using this tool.  However, we (of co...
Apr 17, 2019 13:47 PM
We NEED this, sooner than later.  While instructors can cross-list courses to combine multiple similar sections, that isn't always the preferred option.  In cases where I am managing several secti...
Oct 17, 2018 09:59 AM
This would be awesome for our foreign language teachers... but also music teachers!  I don't know much about AP testing, but I do know that part of several of the tests involves student audio reco...
May 05, 2017 09:57 AM
As our district gets closer to using Canvas (and Commons) with a wider audience of instructors and learners, this feature seems so important!  We've chatted about a few ways to work around the pro...
Apr 19, 2017 14:35 PM
I've only just started developing course content in Canvas and I already see how helpful this would be!  My "Pages" section is a mess!  I supposed it depends on how you choose to structure...
Mar 24, 2017 14:43 PM

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