
Bernardo Andres Hernandez Vicente
Community Member
Dec 15, 2021 7:05:38 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Yes!, it was that, I should have changed the font size before typing the equation in order for it to be larger, rather than manually increasing the size of the equation once typed. I did the latter be...
Likes: 3
Hey that sounds really useful! thank you!
Likes: 0
I want to apply an "optional" quiz. If a student takes decides not to take it, that is fin, but if they do take it then the grade will be considered for the final grade, without consideration ...
Likes: 0
Thanks for your answer. Here is what I know: I believe it is new quizzes.It does happen in the preview as well.I actually created a bank of questions, which has 5 questions, out of which only one is g...
Likes: 0
Hello, I have just created my first quiz, which includes one multiple choice question. When I designed this multiple choice question, I was forced to mark one of the choices as the "correct" a...
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Hey that sounds really useful! thank you!
Jan 06, 2022 17:23 PM
I want to apply an "optional" quiz. If a student takes decides not to take it, that is fin, but if they do take it then the grade will be considered for the final grade, without consideration ...
Dec 29, 2022 11:55 AM
Yes!, it was that, I should have changed the font size before typing the equation in order for it to be larger, rather than manually increasing the size of the equation once typed. I did the latter be...
Dec 15, 2021 11:40 AM
Thanks for your answer. Here is what I know: I believe it is new quizzes.It does happen in the preview as well.I actually created a bank of questions, which has 5 questions, out of which only one is g...
Dec 15, 2021 11:21 AM
Hello, I have just created my first quiz, which includes one multiple choice question. When I designed this multiple choice question, I was forced to mark one of the choices as the "correct" a...
Dec 15, 2021 09:26 AM

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