
Melissa Nemeth
Community Explorer
Jan 15, 2016 10:19:15 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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The Reply to a Canvas Message that the Instructor sees but the student does NOT ever receive has caused our school much grief.  Especially students that have an Incomplete in the course.  They believe...
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We would like to see Canvas Messages no longer work once the course dates pass.  It would be wise to block ALL Canvas Messages outside the course date entirely with an automatic reply to use school em...
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We also would like to be able to see Formulas in Excel through Speedgrader so we can quickly grade and not have to open each students file separately for grading.
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Most Recent Posts

The Reply to a Canvas Message that the Instructor sees but the student does NOT ever receive has caused our school much grief.  Especially students that have an Incomplete in the course.  They believe...
May 03, 2021 12:05 PM
We would like to see Canvas Messages no longer work once the course dates pass.  It would be wise to block ALL Canvas Messages outside the course date entirely with an automatic reply to use school em...
Apr 22, 2021 09:08 AM
We also would like to be able to see Formulas in Excel through Speedgrader so we can quickly grade and not have to open each students file separately for grading.
Mar 03, 2016 13:45 PM

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