Michelle Lotze
Community Member
Feb 6, 2022 9:31:02 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I'm not sure if I'm missing this, but I can't seem to identify where students can delete a submission? Or a way for me as the teacher to delete a student's submission?
Thanks for the info, I'll look into New Analytics more!
Agreed! Students using the mobile app don't even seem to have the "Like" button feature?
To add to this, it'd be convenient if just selecting to move on to the next student in Speedgrader would automatically submit the comment, instead of having to select Submit and Next.
It would be helpful if students were able to easily view all assignments attached to a certain outcome. For example, if they were to click on the Outcomes tab, they might see 10 different outcomes. ...
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I'm not sure if I'm missing this, but I can't seem to identify where students can delete a submission? Or a way for me as the teacher to delete a student's submission?
Thanks for the info, I'll look into New Analytics more!
Agreed! Students using the mobile app don't even seem to have the "Like" button feature?
To add to this, it'd be convenient if just selecting to move on to the next student in Speedgrader would automatically submit the comment, instead of having to select Submit and Next.
It would be helpful if students were able to easily view all assignments attached to a certain outcome. For example, if they were to click on the Outcomes tab, they might see 10 different outcomes. ...
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