
Community Participant
Sep 9, 2016 8:24:07 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Adrienne,You mentioned that you have a list and flowchart for integrations/apps and various levels of questions.Would you willing to share that list?  We don't have anything for our district and i...
Likes: 4
I just tried the Google Search Engine tip, it is "awesome".  Thanks.I'm wondering, can we setup other search besides course and user?  i.e. can we search for quiz or assignment?
Likes: 2
Thank you everyone for the valuable information.  I attended the InstructureCon session also, but API is new to me.I got our first request for developer keys for Globalyceum, but we don't have any...
Likes: 1
Thanks for sharing the info.  I finished the steps you listed above in my Windows OS.  But when I tried to run the CLI command, I got an error say 'dap' is not recognized as an internal or ext...
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This is great idea, summary table should be displayed for all SIS import files.
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Most Recent Posts

Thanks for sharing the info.  I finished the steps you listed above in my Windows OS.  But when I tried to run the CLI command, I got an error say 'dap' is not recognized as an internal or ext...
May 03, 2024 15:11 PM
Erick,Thanks again for answer my questions, very helpful.
May 20, 2019 18:01 PM
Elba,Thanks for your information, that is very helpful.
May 20, 2019 18:00 PM
Thanks for quick response.  I have a few questions.I saw Panopto is listed in Inherited Developer Keys which is in 'off' state.  Is this the where we can activate it?Did you use scoping to con...
May 20, 2019 13:36 PM
Hello Erick,I found this post today as I started looking into Panopto integration because one of our colleges wants to pilot Panopto.   So far we haven't allow any developers key integration in ou...
May 20, 2019 10:27 AM

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