
Community Participant
Sep 9, 2016 2:08:59 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas The old version of Crocodoc allowed students to download a pdf of their assignment with Instructor annotations and feedback.  This should be added ...
Likes: 242
While testing some content for accessibility I realized there's an issue with the formatting Canvas is applying to links. Example:       <a href="https://loremipsum.io/"> <...
Likes: 0
This could be treated similar to the sections import Canvas already has: https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/file.sis_csv.html#sections-csv  As in, the files would target a specific course Id. Foll...
Likes: 0
Hiya @akshya , we recently ran across your message while encountering a similar issue with including term data along with courses.  Hopefully you've found the solution by this point, but in ca...
Likes: 0
Since the commenter name already appears on the content box on the right side of the paper when inserting a comment, it seems completely unnecessary to have that gray box there at all.  I think removi...
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

While testing some content for accessibility I realized there's an issue with the formatting Canvas is applying to links. Example:       <a href="https://loremipsum.io/"> <...
Jun 16, 2022 08:47 AM
This could be treated similar to the sections import Canvas already has: https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/file.sis_csv.html#sections-csv  As in, the files would target a specific course Id. Foll...
May 05, 2021 07:29 AM
Hiya @akshya , we recently ran across your message while encountering a similar issue with including term data along with courses.  Hopefully you've found the solution by this point, but in ca...
Mar 03, 2021 14:17 PM
Since the commenter name already appears on the content box on the right side of the paper when inserting a comment, it seems completely unnecessary to have that gray box there at all.  I think removi...
Jul 06, 2017 13:28 PM
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas The old version of Crocodoc allowed students to download a pdf of their assignment with Instructor annotations and feedback.  This should be added ...
Jun 22, 2017 08:37 AM

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