
Peter Benson
Community Member
Mar 11, 2022 2:30:20 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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@RachelSalmon wrote: West Penn Power Bill PayI am wondering where Portfolium is curating their job postings from or if their search will become more robust soon.  It currently is not listing many ...
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@CarolynRundell wrote: DNA HRBlock Sign inPlease explain how the content I upload is accessible as a folio for me to share into the future, post being a student and having access to the canvas of ...
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@laura_kelly wrote: dmvnowHow does the MasteryConnect lockdown browser work for chromebooks?  Does it have to be in kiosk mode since it is using third party respondus?Note:  e also use a third par...
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@AvishkaSandaruw wrote: Choice ADVANTAGEHello,I was trying to find out which attributes of LTI 1.1 can be used to query for canvas assignments and couldn't able to search assignments using any...
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@LaurenDecker wrote: MyMerrill Login I need help turning in a homework assignment for my Biology class and I don't know how to turn it in on canvas and see if my teacher gets the homework assi...
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Most Recent Posts

@RachelSalmon wrote: West Penn Power Bill PayI am wondering where Portfolium is curating their job postings from or if their search will become more robust soon.  It currently is not listing many ...
May 26, 2022 04:46 AM
@CarolynRundell wrote: DNA HRBlock Sign inPlease explain how the content I upload is accessible as a folio for me to share into the future, post being a student and having access to the canvas of ...
May 16, 2022 00:21 AM
@laura_kelly wrote: dmvnowHow does the MasteryConnect lockdown browser work for chromebooks?  Does it have to be in kiosk mode since it is using third party respondus?Note:  e also use a third par...
May 11, 2022 00:56 AM
@AvishkaSandaruw wrote: Choice ADVANTAGEHello,I was trying to find out which attributes of LTI 1.1 can be used to query for canvas assignments and couldn't able to search assignments using any...
May 05, 2022 01:01 AM
@LaurenDecker wrote: MyMerrill Login I need help turning in a homework assignment for my Biology class and I don't know how to turn it in on canvas and see if my teacher gets the homework assi...
Apr 30, 2022 01:52 AM

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