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Mar 18, 2022 5:37:02 AM
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Thanks @James ! I appreciate your insight. I'm always willing to use a "big hammer" approach (checking the quiz titles) 😉, but figured I'd try to use the API return value...
@helfco based on how I read the blog post I would guess the button would not be visible in courses modified by the API and therefore wouldn't fix/remove the "Edited By" notation.
Hi Bill. I wasn't actually familiar with the "muted" property for an assignment, but when I found it in the Assignment definition in the Rest API documentation there's a note that it ...
Hello all - Relatively new member to Canvas and the API. I have some programming background but am also new to Python.We have a course template (not a Blueprint) that we use as the source for all our...
Problem statement:
When clicking the + (Add Item) option for a Module, the list of objects in the prompt seems to be cached from when the Modules page was loaded. So, if I created a new object (e....
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@helfco based on how I read the blog post I would guess the button would not be visible in courses modified by the API and therefore wouldn't fix/remove the "Edited By" notation.
Problem statement:
When clicking the + (Add Item) option for a Module, the list of objects in the prompt seems to be cached from when the Modules page was loaded. So, if I created a new object (e....
A specific example would be including an Answer Key for an assignment/short answer quiz in a module. To safeguard that to never be published would be good.
Problem statement:
The publish options currently available at the module level make it difficult to keep "internal facing" or "for teachers only" items unpublished. Clearly after publi...
Problem statement:
Would like the ability to insert metadata about objects (specifically assignments) into pages or other content locations. But the content should be live lookup whenever the page is ...
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