
Nicholas Scocchera
Community Novice
Mar 20, 2017 12:26:21 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I can see leaving proper medical terms out of the blacklist of words for a filter, but I still think it's a good starting point. Yes, some people may use alternate spellings to get around that, in...
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Hold on a moment, please...  This sounds like more unnecessary work for our instructors which will take time away from their other duties like grading our work and responding to our pleas for help thr...
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I can see leaving proper medical terms out of the blacklist of words for a filter, but I still think it's a good starting point. Yes, some people may use alternate spellings to get around that, in...
Dec 11, 2017 14:12 PM
Hold on a moment, please...  This sounds like more unnecessary work for our instructors which will take time away from their other duties like grading our work and responding to our pleas for help thr...
Dec 11, 2017 08:59 AM

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