
Community Participant
Jan 20, 2016 11:01:23 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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1. Ditto the list from dkpst5. 2. Ditto the concerns from chriscas, especially integration with Kaltura. 3. Publish from Respondus 4.0 must work. Changes and limitations must be clearly documented.
Likes: 9
Canvas doesn't have sub-categories in weighted groups. You could weight within a group by weighting the assignment grades relative to each other within the group. So- your Final Exam grade would b...
Likes: 4
You might want to check that the objects you think are Assignments are actually Assignments - not, for example, a File titled "assignment". Since you don't see them on the Assignments page...
Likes: 2
In a quick test, I found that, yes, you have to enter a 0. Simply deleting the fudge number doesn't update the grade.    
Likes: 1
If you select the Text Entry option for Submission, then the student can insert multiple files into the textbox.
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In a quick test, I found that, yes, you have to enter a 0. Simply deleting the fudge number doesn't update the grade.    
Dec 13, 2023 13:59 PM
Not sure what you mean by "performance", but the Quiz Log shows the date/time of almost everything a student does in a quiz - start, answer question1, answer question 2,... end. You have to en...
Nov 29, 2023 14:06 PM
Canvas doesn't have sub-categories in weighted groups. You could weight within a group by weighting the assignment grades relative to each other within the group. So- your Final Exam grade would b...
Nov 29, 2023 13:27 PM
Yes - When you need to set a different date for selected student(s), add another Assign To box. Don't change your original setup.
Nov 29, 2023 13:04 PM
If you select the Text Entry option for Submission, then the student can insert multiple files into the textbox.
Nov 29, 2023 13:00 PM

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