
Joshua Spradling
Community Explorer
May 2, 2022 1:22:31 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Problem statement: The new design for discussions looks cool, but functions frustratingly bad. Unfortunately, having to click on reply to see other replies for students and instructors is another barr...
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Hello @ColtonSwapp,Thank you for your reply. For the videos I tested, I made sure they were ones that were not included in the course already. I used my other work recordings for separate topics t...
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I am an instructional designer and this was brought to my attention by a faculty member. Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but when I add a file (audio and video) to a question in a course quest...
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Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: The new design for discussions looks cool, but functions frustratingly bad. Unfortunately, having to click on reply to see other replies for students and instructors is another barr...
Sep 09, 2024 07:27 AM
Hello @ColtonSwapp,Thank you for your reply. For the videos I tested, I made sure they were ones that were not included in the course already. I used my other work recordings for separate topics t...
May 25, 2022 14:58 PM
I am an instructional designer and this was brought to my attention by a faculty member. Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but when I add a file (audio and video) to a question in a course quest...
May 18, 2022 15:23 PM

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