Gini Burns
Learning Consultant
May 19, 2022 8:03:31 AM
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Gini is a Learning Consultant on the PL&S Branch. Gini taught high school math for 9 years, and during part of this time served as a School Tech Liaison and Math Department Chair. During her time as an educator, she used Mastery Connect for 5 years and Canvas for 3 years. She is passionate about using data to improve student outcomes!
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Canvas Credentials allow learners to easily demonstrate, track, and share their competencies, no matter where or when they attained a badge! Through the Comprehensive Learner Record, learners have th...
Are you looking for the Individual Student Reports or the Class reports? School Admin have the Individual Student Reports and have to share those with teachers. If you are looking for Class reports th...
@ThomasGrabowski @You will need to reach out to your Instructure CSM. Do you know how to reach them?
This should help! https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Mastery-Connect-Getting-Started/How-do-I-use-the-Mastery-Connect-Parent-Portal/ta-p/534038
@JMHampton is absolutely right! Another option is to have students take the assessment through their student portal (accessed through an SSO like clever or classlink or sign in at masteryconnect.c...
Most Recent Posts
Are you looking for the Individual Student Reports or the Class reports? School Admin have the Individual Student Reports and have to share those with teachers. If you are looking for Class reports th...
@ThomasGrabowski @You will need to reach out to your Instructure CSM. Do you know how to reach them?
This should help! https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Mastery-Connect-Getting-Started/How-do-I-use-the-Mastery-Connect-Parent-Portal/ta-p/534038
@JMHampton is absolutely right! Another option is to have students take the assessment through their student portal (accessed through an SSO like clever or classlink or sign in at masteryconnect.c...
Are you still getting this message? Is it a Benchmark assessment?
I recommend submitting a support ticket if you are still getting this message.
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