
Ben Liszewski
Community Explorer
Jun 7, 2022 2:25:55 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I know that you can only see and manage the keys that you generate within the Identity Services, so they must be associated to the user. But do they also inherit the Canvas User's status, roles, a...
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The message from Canvas itself is fine, the concern is validating that the message actually came from Canvas so that we can display appropriate information to the user. For example, if we naively writ...
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Greetings, I'm curious how others are using and managing the Canvas web_logs data and activity reporting. There's a lot of, often vague but genuine, interest in this data for things like, Quer...
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Hi Pete, Understanding Data Factory is a big holdup for me at the moment. We've talked to Microsoft for some advice, but are still waiting on a response. To the best of my knowledge, Azure Data Fa...
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I'd be happy to talk about what we're doing and what's working or not. I've been reworking my Function into a "Durable Function" and am supposed to be meeting with something fr...
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Most Recent Posts

I know that you can only see and manage the keys that you generate within the Identity Services, so they must be associated to the user. But do they also inherit the Canvas User's status, roles, a...
Jun 13, 2024 16:59 PM
Just to make sure I'm following, you are adding an "SAML IdP Discovery Service" to the Authentication settings, but in the Discovery Service URL you are just putting a static page (e.g. th...
May 08, 2024 15:17 PM
Thanks for the tips. Cost are a concern for us as well, but I recently heard we got a grant to explore Fabric, and getting our data there is bringing our current solution into question anyways. Sounds...
May 08, 2024 13:47 PM
The message from Canvas itself is fine, the concern is validating that the message actually came from Canvas so that we can display appropriate information to the user. For example, if we naively writ...
May 08, 2024 13:01 PM
Hey Pete, Thanks for sharing that. I haven't worked with Fabric as a whole yet, but had a chance a few months ago to throw some DAP data in OneLake and play with pyspark. We didn't do a full i...
May 08, 2024 10:52 AM

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