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Sep 26, 2015 2:55:22 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Hi Kristin,Kudos for posting a very useful summary -- thank you!Was there any discussion about when the role based apps would become available?It sounds like they probably aren't going to arrive i...
Hi Joe,We are also using the old/original gradebook and are suffering because of "false Missings" being posted to the parent app. Did you ever get this resolved?FWIW, I also work in K12 and sh...
Just to be clear... this question has not been answered in this thread. If there is an answer, it hasn't been posted here.So this is an important and open question: How to show an "Incomplete&...
Report Cards > Enter Grades > Receive from file (See attached.)Then you have to play with the wizard a bit to get the correct setup in your spreadsheet. It isn’t hard though.Thanks for explainin...
Thank you Emily.We haven't purchased TeacherPlus. I think I recall that this was positioned as an alternative to Canvas but maybe I mis-remember or misunderstood. Maybe I will take another look, b...
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Hi Emily,
I double checked with John Lynch about how we set this up. Ours is very similar to yours so I think John has a solution for you.
He said he would reach out to you soon.
Hope this helps!
Just to be clear... this question has not been answered in this thread. If there is an answer, it hasn't been posted here.So this is an important and open question: How to show an "Incomplete&...
Hi Joe,We are also using the old/original gradebook and are suffering because of "false Missings" being posted to the parent app. Did you ever get this resolved?FWIW, I also work in K12 and sh...
Hello Emily,We are using a custom (paid) Rediker script and the Canvas CSV Gateway which gets us pretty much what we want. In brief, the process is:· AdminPlus server runs a daily scheduled ta...
Hi Dannie,Thank you for that suggestion. I tried and this does work for PDF files stored at a different URL, e.g. our school's main website. But I could not figure out how to create a "simple ...
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