
Travis Marks
Community Explorer
Aug 3, 2022 8:42:32 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Try entering a different score, then refreshing the gradebook, and entering the original grade again.
Likes: 1
Hi Chriscas,Yes. I am able to grade the assignment and enter comments. I simply cannot annotate.
Likes: 0
Hi,Thank you for asking. Yes. I can download the document without a problem. Here is a screenshot if the document being downloaded to my PC from speedgrader. 
Likes: 0
Yes. Absolutely. Here is a different screenshot. Thank you for giving this issue your attention and requesting more information. 
Likes: 0
Hi @ mzimmerman,Thank you for your response I want to be clear, however, that I am attempting to annotate an attached word document that was submitted as a file. It is not a text entry, still, my ...
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Most Recent Posts

Try entering a different score, then refreshing the gradebook, and entering the original grade again.
Feb 13, 2023 14:13 PM
Hi Chriscas,Yes. I am able to grade the assignment and enter comments. I simply cannot annotate.
Aug 09, 2022 14:36 PM
Hi,Thank you for asking. Yes. I can download the document without a problem. Here is a screenshot if the document being downloaded to my PC from speedgrader. 
Aug 08, 2022 06:49 AM
Yes. Absolutely. Here is a different screenshot. Thank you for giving this issue your attention and requesting more information. 
Aug 04, 2022 10:23 AM
Hi @ mzimmerman,Thank you for your response I want to be clear, however, that I am attempting to annotate an attached word document that was submitted as a file. It is not a text entry, still, my ...
Aug 03, 2022 13:40 PM

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