
Theresa Swann
Community Novice
May 17, 2016 12:24:31 PM
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I and a senior citizen - for real. I got my first classroom computer before there was Window, a hard drive or a mouse. Now we have everything except an implant and I am beginning to wonder how much damage we are doing by being so virtual in our connections. I want to continue to support Canvas schools when I retire in a year. My goal is to pack up the travel trailer and go where I'm needed. I need to make money but I am truly driven to help faculty build killer online courses. Surly someone is willing to hire me for a few month to transition and support them as they get to know Canvas. I'm here. I'll be there are many drive older people who'd like to do this. All I require is a campground and a job to do.

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Hi, Would you please add me as a teacher?ThanksTheresatswann2@utk.edu
Likes: 5
I'd like a copy as well tswann2@utk.edu
Likes: 1
Are you expecting faculty to edit a required heading or is this just an optional resource?  I disagree with your comment that most folks are comfortable with graphic editing software. I think most are...
Likes: 1

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I'd like a copy as well tswann2@utk.edu
Dec 7, 2017 8:10:22 AM
Are you expecting faculty to edit a required heading or is this just an optional resource?  I disagree with your comment that most folks are comfortable with graphic editing software. I think most are...
Jun 8, 2017 5:29:38 AM
Hi, Would you please add me as a teacher?ThanksTheresatswann2@utk.edu
Nov 22, 2016 11:37:13 AM

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